Airdrop Guide — Symphony Finance
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It is uncommon to place a limit order in a DEX because most DEXes do not support it. There are projects like Gelato Network (whitelisting ended and listed, token 7x from ICO price) which allows user to place limit order on DEXes.
The project we are going to cover today, Symphony Finance, does the same thing with a twist. Not only can you place an asset on limit order with them, your asset will earn yield at the same time while waiting for the order to be filled. They call it the Interest Generating Limit Order.
They have just launched their mainnet on Polygon and has announced on Twitter that users who create and execute orders on their platform will receive their $SYM token as rewards later.
Follow the steps below to create a limit order.
Getting started:
Switch your network to Polygon network. Make sure you have $100 or above in one of the supported assets. (Minimum trade size is $100.)
Supported Assets: $MATIC/$ETH/$USDC/$USDT/$WBTC/$DAI/$AAVE
Step 1: (The UI has changed significantly since this article)
Head to
To create a order,
Choose the input asset (the asset you will be selling).
Choose output asset (the asset you will be receiving).
Fill in the input amount (Minimum trade size is $100).
Set the limit at “Rate”. If the price is above the limit the order will be filled.
Optionally you can also set a stop-loss. If the output falls below it the order will be filled. (The stop-loss is the minimum output you will receive. Don’t enter a price.)
Click confirm on Metamask to create the order.
Step 2:
This is what you will see this after your order has bee placed.
And this after the order is executed.
Step 3:
That’s all. If you find any bugs, please report to the team at their discord server.